We have traveling, visiting our kids and grandchildren. Wow are they a busy bunch! They are off to swim lessons, tennis lessons, softball practice, soccer games, t-ball games, basketball and bicycling. Then there’s the theatre practice, theatre performances, guitar lessons, art club, piano lessons, jogging and training for an upcoming marathon! Holy cow! Where do they get all that energy? I think I once had that kind of energy, but for the life of me I don’t know where it went. During one of our trips, we went to watch a granddaughter's softball game. I noticed our other two young granddaughters off to the side playing in the grass. They were entertaining themselves by doing cartwheels, roundoffs and handstands. Over and over again they flipped through the air. “Nora,” I said as I walked closer, “You two are amazing! You have so much energy! Do you know that every part of your grandma wishes she could join you doing those cartwheels?” Nora smiled and asked, “When you were a little girl, Grandma, did you ever do cartwheels?" “I sure did!” I responded with enthusiasm, “I took gymnastics, and I did lots of cartwheels and I even did flips.” Nora looked at me confused, “You did? So, Grandma why don’t you do cartwheels with us now?” “Well sweetheart," I answered, "I am afraid if I did a cartwheel right now, you might have to call 911, and then what would you say to the person on the emergency line? “Well," she said thoughtfully, "I would just explain to them, that my grandma tried to do a cartwheel and it didn’t go well.” ......... I wish I could tell you that my experience and conversation with my granddaughter motivated me to work on my cartwheels, but no…maybe next year. I have, although, been working on pumping up the energy in my life. More energy is what we are all after isn’t it? It really is one of our best gauges for monitoring our health. As I dig into the research, looking for strategies and tools to help me live my healthiest life, I am convinced that it is paramount that I place energy at the center. It is a critical piece of the puzzle into what motivates, inspires, and moves us to the next rung in our health journey. In order to live our best and most fulfilling lives we need energy to do that. Our level of energy undergirds and affects every area in our life. So, what about you? How’s your energy? Could you use some more? As always, the first step in our journey begins with awareness. Are you aware of what gives you more energy? Are you aware of what depletes your energy? Once we figure that out, it’s a lot easier to create a healthier plan for our life. With that in mind, I created what I call, an energy audit. The point of this audit is to clearly identify those things in your life that increase your energy and fill you up. And also, to become aware of what depletes, retracts, and deflates your energy. When I do this exercise (my energy audit), I like to imagine I have an energy meter wrapped around my waste detecting my energy waves. For example, When I walk outside on a warm day, I often spread my arms out to collect the sun’s rays. I can almost feel my meter registering high levels of energy. Would you like to join me in an energy audit? Consider it another challenge. For two weeks, you will be asked to focus on some key areas in your life that can greatly impact your energy and ultimately your health. Areas such as: sleep, nutrition, exercise, relationships, environment, spirituality and service, activities, emotions and beliefs. I promise you; it is worth your time to become more informed about what affects your level of energy. Here is an example of my personal energy audit.
AuthorKaren has been writing blogs and articles for over ten years. She is passionate about motivating and inspiring others to live their best lives....one small step at a time. |